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Original Lineup

John O'Reilly

John O'Reilly

David Williams and Donny Sope

LR: David Williams and Donny Soper

Ron Brandse and Kevin Albert

LR: Ron Brandse and Kevin Albert

LR: John O'Reilly and David Williams

LR: Kevin Albert, John O'Reilly and Donny Soper

LR: Kevin Albert, John O'Reilly and Donny Soper

1st Gig Belvue Hotel at the Bank Corner.
(Now demolished)
John O'Reilly, Kevin Albert and Donny Soper

LR: John O'Reilly, Kevin Albert and Donny Soper

Kevin Albert, John O'Reilly and Donny Soper

LR: Kevin Albert, John O'Reilly and Donny Soper

LR: Ron Brandse and Kevin Albert and John O'Reilly

Photographs courtesy of Ron Brandse


Clips Bits & Pieces

Clippings courtesy of Ron Brandse